I Feel So Much All the Time
If you haven't figured out by now, I am an extremely emotional person. I think much of it correlates to struggling with mental health issues. My hormones have often been "out-of-wack" for most of my life, but I also think being an emotional person is just part of who I am. It is not something I always enjoy or even want to accept about myself. I often cry while watching videos on Facebook (happy or sad), my heart melts when I see cute pictures of animals (to the point I feel like crying), I sometimes tear up when I see homeless people on the street. I even get sad when I see people sitting alone--I worry about whether they are alone because they chose to be or because they just are. Do they have friends? Are they happy? Do they feel lonely? Do they know how important and loved they are?
I deal with these emotions on a daily basis, and honestly, it is tiring. Sometimes, I think I got my emotions along with someone else's emotions--like somehow, another person was born the same day as me, and the deliverer of emotions accidentally put a double dose in me and skipped the other person they were supposed to deliver to. I know that doesn't make sense to most people, and many just want to tell me I am "too emotional". . .or make jokes about it. I don't really judge people for doing so because I make jokes about myself, too. It's how I cope, honestly.
My emotional state even extends to fictional characters. I've written about this before, but I get so attached to characters in books and films that when I finish the book, film, or tv series, I get slightly sad. It mostly happens when I really relate to the characters, but still, I often feel like I am a "freak-of-nature" because I feel this way. I don't understand why this happens to me, and I often wonder if I am the only person who experience such a mix of heart-wrenching emotions. They are not always sad, but they are always consuming. The overwhelmingness is what gets me, I guess.
Does anyone else feel this way? Does anyone else struggle with just feeling so much all the time?
"Sometimes you are so emotionally drained that even sleep doesn't do anything anymore. You wake up still tired. And it just doesn't go away."