Embracing 2019
My word for 2019? Embrace.
Today is the perfect day to talk about what this word means to me because today has already been a less-than-perfect day. I've been applying and searching for jobs during most of today. I feel discouraged and hopeless and unwanted, but that is exactly where my word comes in. I am still going to embrace this moment and this time in my life. I am going to embrace it in order for it to make me stronger and to help me grow. Every year, I am striving to learn more about myself and become a better version of myself, and to do so, I must embrace the bad with the good. Already in my life, some terrible moments and experiences have helped mold me into the woman I am today. I like that woman for the most part--she is NOT perfect nor does she ever plan to be. Instead, I am constantly growing, constantly being reminded that there are ways I can better myself but also constantly appreciating the progress I've made and the love I've developed for myself (and others). This year, I will work to embrace many things. Some may be harder than others, but I am going to do it. . . and I am determined to succeed (while also overcoming obstacles and challenges).
I will embrace. . .
the good and the bad.
the happiest moments of 2019,
and the saddest moments of 2019.
times that are filled with pure joy and be grateful for them.
times filled with sadness, defeat, or frustration and learn to overcome.
moments of success and failure because both can be productive.
love, as always.
the word "no," as it is bound to be said.
God's plan for my life.
not trying to control everything; it's honestly okay to let go and let God.
my life--it is such a gift, and I am not in the mood to waste it.
Have you decided on your word for this year?
Sending love as always to any one and every one who needs it.